Is your dream terrace turning into a heated desert in summer? A wooden enclosure with a canopy and a cover of movable external blinds is the solution for you.
Locality: Książenice
Painting: Chestnut
Number of handle sets:12
Products used:
Our clients in Książenice wanted shade for their terrace for the summer. At the same time, they did not want the windows to be permanently cut off from the flow of light. After all, summer does not last all year round. Therefore, they decided on a combination of Roman blinds (roofing) and wooden external blinds (shading). The result is a cool and airy terrace in the summer and a sheltered but luminous one in autumn and winter.
Thanks to the use of a wooden terrace structure, the body of the house has "warmed up" and acquired a unique style and elegance. The dark wood balances out the cool grey of the stone on the terrace platform. The Roman blind adds a soft and light touch to the composition. Such a space begs to invite family and neighbours for an outdoor party.
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